Questions about the model

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Questions about the model

#1 Unread post by cesaruc18 »

Dear ROMS team,

As a thesis topic, I am interested in investigating the effects of phenomena such as the intrusion of the salt wedge (stratification zones) and variations in the ENSO, in addition to hydraulic interventions (such as the construction of bridges upstream), in the conformation of sediment banks in navigable channels, near the river-ocean convergence zones, through the application of a 3D numerical model. My advisor suggested that I work with the croco model. First, I would like to know if it is correct to use this model to study the aforementioned. Second, it is possible to make numerical grids (such as the screen grid attached) to represent bridge pillars. Thank you in advance for your attention, I do not know if it is correct to write to you or if to answer questions about the model there is another person,


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Re: Questions about the model

#2 Unread post by kate »

I can't answer all your questions, I'm afraid. For the grid shown, this is not the model you want, nor is croco, I expect, though they have a different web site than this one. You can make a pillar by masking it out in a regular Cartesian grid. For hydraulic jumps, there is a shock wave test problem in which ROMS does quite well. If there are non-hydrostatic processes that are important, you might need to look elsewhere. I've heard that MITgcm has a non-hydrostatic mode, but I don't really know much about it. To really do pillars, you might want to investigate unstructured grid models, though again, I am not the expert. I tried FVCOM once and failed to do the above-mentioned supercritical flow problem with it. Anyway, good luck.

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