Asking for cpp and control files

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Asking for cpp and control files

#1 Unread post by wangkai »

hello, everyone :D
In brief, I've successfully compiled the example upwelling and now I want to run my own application, for which I have made the initial, boundary, grid , and force files.
I choose the north-west Pacific Ocean as my object. I set the west boundary conditon to closed wall and the other three are not.
I copy the varinfo.dat from Roms/External, and I modify the in the same directory as control file.
When I try to run the model , it tells me "At line 960 of file inp_par.f90 : Fortran runtime error :Bad real number in item 1 of list input".
Here are the modified settings:
grid size is 6km , time step is 60s , total simulation time is 24h, number of vertical level is 40 , vtransform = 2, vstretching = 4 ,theta_s = 5 , theta_b = 0.2 , tcline =10 .
I wonder maybe the cpp file I compile is not correct and also there is something wrong with my file ,so can anybody share the right file to help me fix the problem? or maybe tell me how to do?
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Re: Asking for cpp and control files

#2 Unread post by kate »

At line 960 of file inp_par.f90
You need to look at your inp_par.f90 and see what is in there at line 960.

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