COMPILING PROBLEM ld: cannot find -ltorque

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COMPILING PROBLEM ld: cannot find -ltorque

#1 Unread post by Zhuoyi_Hsu »

I am having an issue compiling ROMS.

I got the error:

/lustre/software/openmpi/openmpi-intel/bin/mpif90 -heap-arrays -fp-model precise -ip -O3 /lustre/home/xuzhuoyi/ROMS/projects/Build/roms_import.o /lustre/home/xuzhuoyi/ROMS/projects/Build/propagator.o /lustre/home/xuzhuoyi/ROMS/projects/Build/master.o /lustre/home/xuzhuoyi/ROMS/projects/Build/roms_export.o /lustre/home/xuzhuoyi/ROMS/projects/Build/ocean_coupler.o /lustre/home/xuzhuoyi/ROMS/projects/Build/esmf_roms.o /lustre/home/xuzhuoyi/ROMS/projects/Build/ocean_control.o -o /lustre/home/xuzhuoyi/ROMS/projects/oceanM /lustre/home/xuzhuoyi/ROMS/projects/Build/libUTIL.a /lustre/home/xuzhuoyi/ROMS/projects/Build/libNLM.a /lustre/home/xuzhuoyi/ROMS/projects/Build/libNLM_bio.a /lustre/home/xuzhuoyi/ROMS/projects/Build/libNLM_sed.a /lustre/home/xuzhuoyi/ROMS/projects/Build/libANA.a /lustre/home/xuzhuoyi/ROMS/projects/Build/libUTIL.a /lustre/home/xuzhuoyi/ROMS/projects/Build/libMODS.a -L/lustre/software/netcdf-3.6.3/lib -lnetcdf
ld: cannot find -ltorque
make: *** [/lustre/home/xuzhuoyi/ROMS/projects/oceanM] Error 1

I'm using netcdf3.6.3, and because I study ROMS for several days. I'm confused about this.

Hope you can help,

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Re: COMPILING PROBLEM ld: cannot find -ltorque

#2 Unread post by robertson »

Torque is likely the resource manager/job scheduler on the cluster you are using. Since it is a system specific library (and it's not listed in the ROMS link line you have provided) it should be taken care of by your mpi compiler (mpif90). Most likely your environment is set up incorrectly or you are using an mpif90 compiler that is not compiled correctly for your system. Perhaps the compiling instructions for your cluster mention something about what needs to be done so the torque library can be linked. What do you get If you issue the command:

Code: Select all

/lustre/software/openmpi/openmpi-intel/bin/mpif90 --showme:link
You could also try:

Code: Select all

locate libtorque
and that might tell you what directory should be added to LD_LIBRARY_PATH and/or LIBRARY_PATH to help the linker find (-ltorque).

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