Tenure-Track Faculty Positions at USF

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Tenure-Track Faculty Positions at USF

#1 Unread post by robertson »

The College of Marine Science (CMS) at the University of South Florida (USF) invites applications for two tenure-track, nine-month academic faculty positions in Physical Oceanography. Appointments are expected to be at the Assistant Professor or Associate Professor rank. Salaries are negotiable and competitive.

Position Number 3215 Global-scale, Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction Modeler
The CMS-USF seeks a global climate-related, ocean-atmosphere interaction modeler.
Minimum qualifications include a strong foundation in the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics of the coupled ocean-atmosphere system, and experience with large-scale, coupled ocean-atmosphere circulation models. Preferred qualifications include experience with large data sets and the analysis tools to critically assess model performance. Training may be from either the meteorological or oceanographic perspectives. Research interests may include aspects of modern climate, paleo-climate, or predictions of future climate. In any of these scenarios we seek a scientist with multidisciplinary interests that will span the oceanographic disciplines representative of the CMS from climate variations to the ecological, biogeochemical and societal ramifications thereof.

Position Number 4431 Mesoscale, Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction Modeler
The CMS-USF seeks a mesoscale, ocean-atmosphere interaction modeler.
Minimum qualifications include a strong foundation in the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics of the coupled ocean-atmosphere system, and experience with mesoscale, coupled ocean-atmosphere numerical circulation models. Preferred qualifications include experience with large data sets and the analysis tools to combine observations with models through data assimilation and to critically assess model performance. Training may be from either the meteorological or oceanographic perspectives. With Florida being an elongate peninsula, and with every aspect of the Florida economy touched by the ocean, we seek a person with interest in aspects of weather and ocean circulation affecting the State of Florida and its surrounding environs, the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico, and similar mesoscale environments, including severe aspects of weather (hurricanes and severe extra-tropical systems) that may be hazardous to such regions. Given the ongoing CMS-USF activities in coastal ocean observing and modeling systems and the societal applications thereof, preference will also be given to individuals with compatible, multidisciplinary interests that span the oceanographic disciplines within the CMS, such as applications to harmful algae blooms, fisheries ecology, biogeochemical and hydrological cycles.

General Requirements: For the Assistant Professor rank, candidates must hold a Ph.D. degree in a relevant field (such as marine science, or similar) at the time of appointment. Candidates must have strong potential for scholarly publication and obtaining extramural research funding, and be committed to quality instruction of graduate students. For the Associate Professor rank, the candidates must meet all requirements for the Assistant Professor rank, and have an outstanding record in research, including a substantive publication record, evidence of success in attracting extramural research funding and at least a strong record in teaching, as evidenced by successful direction of master’s and doctoral candidates. The candidate will be expected to interact with the faculty, staff, and students of the College of Marine Science, USF at large, as well as other relevant local, regional, national, and international organizations.

USF’s College of Marine Science is a multidisciplinary college with 23 core faculty, a Center for Ocean Technology, a large research staff and over 120 graduate students in the fields of biological, chemical, geological, and physical oceanography. Additional information about the College is available at the website: http://www.marine.usf.edu.

Contact: Applicants should specify the position number(s) for which they are applying (3215 and/or 4431) and submit a curriculum vitae, statement of research and teaching interests, and the names, addresses (including email) and phone numbers of three references. All required information should be submitted to Desiree Woroner, Search Committee Designee, College of Marine Science, University of South Florida, 140 Seventh Avenue South, St. Petersburg, Florida 33701. Review of applications will begin June 30, 2008. However, applications will be accepted until positions are filled.

The University of South Florida is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action/Equal Access Institution. For disability accommodations, please call 727-553-1632. According to Florida law, applications, and meetings regarding them, are open to the public.

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