2010 ROMS/TOMS User Workshop - First Notice

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2010 ROMS/TOMS User Workshop - First Notice

#1 Unread post by arango »

2010 ROMS/TOMS User Workshop
Hawaii Imin International Conference Center, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, April 5 - 8, 2010

We are inviting you to participate at the next ROMS/TOMS User Workshop to be held at the Hawaii Imin International Conference Center, on the University of Hawaii at Manoa campus in Honolulu, Hawaii. The invitation is open to everybody that wants to attend.

The registration is open until January 29, 2010. The abstracts for oral presentations and posters are due by February 26, 2010. To register, please log into the ROMS website and fill out the workshop :arrow: registration form. This information can be updated often. Notice that there also entries for the abstract(s). If you are not already a ROMS user please fill out this :arrow: form to become a ROMS user.

We will send more information in the future about traveling, hotels and other logistics. As in the past, information will be also posted in the ROMS/TOMS :arrow: website as it becomes available.
2010_Flyer.jpg (203.98 KiB) Viewed 7179 times
Attached is a flyer you can download (you may have to log in to the forum) if you wish to advertise the workshop.

Looking forward to seeing you in Hawaii,

Organizing Committee,

Hernan G. Arango, IMCS, Rutgers University
John L. Wilkin, IMCS, Rutgers University
Brian S. Powell, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Andrew M. Moore, University of California at Santa Cruz
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