turbulence close models options

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turbulence close models options

#1 Unread post by asujrpv »

Hello everybody,
I am using GLS_MIXING and I am not sure where do I need to modify the parameters in my ocean_cdw.in that determine whether GLS_MIXING implements the turbulence closure options of k-kl, k-ε or k-ω. My *h file looks like this:

#define SOLVE3D
#define SALINITY
#define UV_ADV
#define DJ_GRADPS
#define UV_COR
#define UV_QDRAG
#define NONLIN_EOS
#define SPLINES
#define GLS_MIXING /* use if Generic Length-Scale mixing */
#define MIX_S_UV /* use if mixing along constant S-surfaces */
#define MIX_S_TS /* use if mixing along constant S-surfaces */
#define RAMP_TIDES
#define MASKING

#define SSH_TIDES
#define UV_TIDES


#define ANA_FSOBC
#define ANA_M2OBC
#define ANA_SMFLUX
#define ANA_STFLUX
#define ANA_SSFLUX
#define ANA_SRFLUX
#define ANA_BSFLUX
#define ANA_BTFLUX

/* Lateral boundary conditions*/
/* #define EAST_FSRADIATION /* use if free-surface radiation condition */
#define EAST_M3RADIATION /* use if 3D momentum radiation condition */
#define EAST_KRADIATION /* use if TKE fields radiation condition */
#define EAST_TRADIATION /* use if tracers radiation condition */
/* #define WEST_FSRADIATION /* use if free-surface radiation condition */
#define WEST_M3RADIATION /* use if 3D momentum radiation condition */
#define WEST_KRADIATION /* use if TKE fields radiation condition */
#define WEST_TRADIATION /* use if tracers radiation condition */
/* #define NORTH_FSRADIATION /* use if free-surface radiation condition */
#define NORTH_M3RADIATION /* use if 3D momentum radiation condition */
#define NORTH_KRADIATION /* use if TKE fields radiation condition */
#define NORTH_TRADIATION /* use if tracers radiation condition */
/* #define SOUTH_FSRADIATION /* use if free-surface radiation condition */
#define SOUTH_M3RADIATION /* use if 3D momentum radiation condition */
#define SOUTH_KRADIATION /* use if TKE fields radiation condition */
#define SOUTH_TRADIATION /* use if tracers radiation condition */

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Joined: Wed Dec 31, 2003 6:16 pm
Location: USGS, USA

Re: turbulence close models options

#2 Unread post by jcwarner »

suggest you use:
#define GLS_MIXING /* use if Generic Length-Scale mixing */
#define N2S2_HORAVG

and then adjust these params in your ocean.in file:
! Generic length-scale turbulence closure parameters.
GLS_P == 3.0d0
GLS_M == 1.5d0
GLS_N == -1.0d0
GLS_Kmin == 7.6d-6
GLS_Pmin == 1.0d-12
GLS_CMU0 == 0.5477d0
GLS_C1 == 1.44d0
GLS_C2 == 1.92d0
GLS_C3M == -0.4d0
GLS_C3P == 1.0d0
GLS_SIGK == 1.0d0
GLS_SIGP == 1.30d0


Re: turbulence close models options

#3 Unread post by asujrpv »

jcwarner wrote:suggest you use:
#define GLS_MIXING /* use if Generic Length-Scale mixing */
#define N2S2_HORAVG

and then adjust these params in your ocean.in file:
! Generic length-scale turbulence closure parameters.
GLS_P == 3.0d0
GLS_M == 1.5d0
GLS_N == -1.0d0
GLS_Kmin == 7.6d-6
GLS_Pmin == 1.0d-12
GLS_CMU0 == 0.5477d0
GLS_C1 == 1.44d0
GLS_C2 == 1.92d0
GLS_C3M == -0.4d0
GLS_C3P == 1.0d0
GLS_SIGK == 1.0d0
GLS_SIGP == 1.30d0
Many thanks! I gather that if I want some other equation I should modify the variables above per the following list, is that right?
! k-kl k-epsilon k-omega gen
! GLS_P = 0.d0 3.0d0 -1.0d0 2.0d0
! GLS_M = 1.d0 1.5d0 0.5d0 1.0d0
! GLS_N = 1.d0 -1.0d0 -1.0d0 -0.67d0
! GLS_Kmin = 5.0d-6 7.6d-6 7.6d-6 1.0d-8
! GLS_Pmin = 5.0d-6 1.0d-12 1.0d-12 1.0d-8
! GLS_CMU0 = 0.5544d0 0.5477d0 0.5477d0 0.5544d0
! GLS_C1 = 0.9d0 1.44d0 0.555d0 1.00d0
! GLS_C2 = 0.52d0 1.92d0 0.833d0 1.22d0
! GLS_C3M = 2.5d0 -0.4d0 -0.6d0 0.1d0
! GLS_C3P = 1.0d0 1.0d0 1.0d0 1.0d0
! GLS_SIGK = 1.96d0 1.0d0 2.0d0 0.8d0
! GLS_SIGP = 1.96d0 1.30d0 2.0d0 1.07d0

Posts: 1215
Joined: Wed Dec 31, 2003 6:16 pm
Location: USGS, USA

Re: turbulence close models options

#4 Unread post by jcwarner »

warner et al, 2005, ocean modelling, 8, Performance of four turbulence closure models using GLS, pp 81-113.

That paper will give you some guidance to start. there are many other papers by Hans Burchard, Lars Umlauf, Karsten Bolding, Lakshmi Kantha, etc that provide a wealth of information.


Re: turbulence close models options

#5 Unread post by asujrpv »

Many thanks!

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