Cheap Ryzen modeling setup

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Cheap Ryzen modeling setup

#1 Unread post by jpringle »

Dear all --

I need to build/acquire a linux box for a new graduate student for process oriented ROMS modeling and ocean model data analysis, with a side of embarrassingly parallel ecological modeling. I have a budget of 1500 (excluding the massive pile of disks for data storage). I am wondering if anyone has experience with the Ryzen 7 processor.

Ryzen 7 is a cheap way to get lots of cores, but I am worried about its memory bandwidth ( ... ew,13.html -- note that their results for 3600Mhz memory were not totally stable).

I would be interested if anyone has experience or benchmarks with this processor? Sasha -- where does it fit in to your poor-mans supercomputer theme? On things this cheap, you can't just call the vendors for a benchmark unit...

I am also interested in any data people have with the ifort/gfortran compilers with this chip.

Jamie Pringle

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