Diffusion of sediment tracers in the water column

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Diffusion of sediment tracers in the water column

#1 Unread post by Eugen »

Hi everyone,

I have a question about lateral diffusion coefficients of sediment tracers "MUD_TNU2" and "SAND_TNU2".

I looked through the test-cases, but they seem to be set to zero everywhere in the input files.

But it doesn't mean, that suspended sediments are not being diffused? There are some intrinsic background coefficients of diffusion or processes accounting for their diffusion, am I right?

Related subroutines I use:

#define TS_HSIMT
#define TS_DIF2
#define NONLIN_EOS
# define MIX_GEO_TS

Thank you.
Evgeny Ivanov

MAST, University of Liege, Belgium

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Re: Diffusion of sediment tracers in the water column

#2 Unread post by jcwarner »

sorry i did not get to this earlier.
for now, the horiz diffusion of sediment is treated like any other tracer. so you would need to add a horiz mix (like your ts_dif2 and mix_geo_ts). the coeffs will be the TNU2 set in the ocean .in file.
Also, you may want to update your code and use the new features to choose the advection schemes. You dont use #define TS_HSIMT anymore, you set the advection for sediment in teh sediment.in. This way you can use a diff scheme for the sediment.

ocean_inlet_test.in has
Hadvection == MPDATA \ ! temperature
MPDATA ! salinity
Vadvection == MPDATA \ ! temperature
MPDATA ! salinity
[ you could use something different here for the T + S !!]

sediment_inlet_test.in has
Hadvection == MPDATA ! idsed(:), compact
Vadvection == MPDATA ! idsed(:), compact

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